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Multiple PhD positions in the ESCHER (ExtraterreStrial prebiotic CHEmistRy) interdisciplinary research projectClosing date: 2019-12-15
Contact: Clio Gielen
The Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, invites applications for 3 PhD positions in the fields of astrochemistry and exoplanets, under the supervision of Prof. Leen Decin (and co-supervisors) in the interdisciplinary ESCHER (Extraterrestrial Prebiotic Chemistry) project on the topics:
- Rocky exoplanets as chemical reactors
- Characterisation of supramolecular assemblies of nucleobases and solid surfaces as organising mechanism
- Prebiotic chemical discovery through quantum chemistry

A more detailed description of the projects can be found on https://fys.kuleuven.be/ster/vacancies#PhD_ESCHER

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