Symposium S6  25-26 June 2019

Aims and scope

Living in the era of the advent of large surveys which target numerous galaxies or stars with superb quality, we are witnessing a revolution in our understanding of galaxy evolution. In particular, new findings about the dynamics of galaxy discs are proving an efficient way for studying galaxy formation. With this symposium, we aim at bringing together experts in all aspects of galaxy disc dynamics to review the recent observational, analytical, and numerical results, as well as the prospect for the immediate future.

It has long been known that bar and spiral instabilities are major agents in driving the internal secular evolution of disc galaxies, whereas interactions with external galaxies are responsible of major changes in the organised disc dynamics. Precious information is contained in the so-called vertical structure, i.e., the off-plane dynamics: discs may heat up and thicken, bars and spiral arms develop vertical instabilities, and polar inner discs may be formed. This vertical structure host fossil remnants of the past galaxy evolution: thick discs are prevented against bar development, buckled bars may form box/peanut structures, bending modes can be the result of interaction with external perturbers, and polar structures may indicate a past interaction with an external galaxy.

It is now possible to study all these effects given the large amount of galaxies spectroscopically mapped with large integral-field spectroscopic surveys, such as CALIFA, SAMI, and MaNGA. In the Milky Way, Gaia is already providing unprecedented details on the kinematic signatures of dynamical perturbations of the Galactic disc. Such observational development is challenging the fields of numerical simulations and analytical modelling of disc dynamics, which need to account for the pieces of evidence provided by the observational data.

Gender statistics :

Female / Male (%)
SOC : 22 / 78
SOC CHAIRS : 50 / 50


Invited speakers

  • Teresa Antoja (Barcelona)
  • Jean-Baptiste Fouvry (IAS Princeton)
  • Francesca Fragkoudi (MPA)
  • Anaëlle Hallé (Observatoire de Paris)
  • Chervin Laporte (Victoria)
  • Mattia Sormani (ITA/ZAH)

Scientific organisers

Arnaud Siebert (Strasbourg, co-chair)
Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres (IAC, co-chair)
Enrico M. Corsini (Padova)
Benoit Famaey (Strasbourg)
Robert Grand (MPA)
Jairo Méndez Abreu (IAC)
Isabel Pérez (Granada)
Christophe Pichon (IAP)
Ralph Schoenrich (Oxford)


arnaud.siebert @, adrianadelorenzocaceres @

Updated on Tue Apr 02 09:31:15 CEST 2019