Equity and Diversity Luncheon

Date: Wednesday, June 28th, 12:40 – 13:55
Place: Conference venue, main plenary room 100
Sponsored by Nature Astronomy, Nature, Nature Physics

Equity and inclusion of all in the scientific process ensure the true diversity of ideas and is paramount for exploiting the full potential of our community to make new discoveries. Despite this relatively universally accepted Ansatz, women and other under-represented groups still face both direct and indirect obstacles in their pursuit of a career in astronomy and space science. Sara Lucatello, Samaya Nissanke, Isabel Marquez and Emmanouil Angelakis will share data and personal experiences from their engagement with equity and diversity efforts in their local communities and beyond. Their presentations will be followed by a moderated panel discussion, open to the audience, on the current status of women and members of minority groups in astronomy and ways to move forward towards true equity.

Practicalities: Please register your interest in attending this session at the registration desk. Lunch will be provided for the participants in the same room that the session will take place (your timely registration will allow us to arrange enough lunch boxes for everyone).


Sara LucatelloObservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy)
Sara is a researcher at the astronomical observatory in Padova, working on stellar astronomy and the properties of binary stars using large astronomical surveys. She is the chair of the Ethics working group of EAS and a member of the Committee on Inclusiveness in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
Samaya NissankeRadboud University (The Netherlands)
Samaya is an assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics at Radboud University in Nijmegen, working on gravitational waves and their use as tools to understand compact objects. Samaya is involved in outreach activities and the promotion of inclusion of and equity for women astronomers in astronomy.
Isabel MarquezInstituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Spain)
Isabel is a researcher at the astrophysics institute of Andalusia in Granada, working on the astrophysics of active galaxies and their evolution. She has been the coordinator of the Women & Astronomy working group of the Spanish Astronomical Society and is actively involved in efforts in Spain and Europe to promote gender equity in astronomy.
Emmanouil AngelakisMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (Germany)
Manolis is a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, working on the properties of active galaxies and the physics of astrophysical jets. He is the vice-president of the EAS since 2014 in charge of overseeing issues on education and careers of astronomers outside academia.


Marios KarouzosNature Astronomy, Springer Nature (UK)

Code of conduct

The following code of conduct will be strictly adhered to:
"The EAS considers its annual EWASS meetings to be a privileged occasion for free and frank interchange of scientific ideas, as well as for the nurturing and creation of professional and social contacts. Any abuse of power or inappropriate behaviour has no place at the EWASS."