Lunch Session LS1  30 June 2021

Getting the most out of ESO data: a hands-on session on the ESO Science Archive and data processing tools

Aims and scope

This Lunch Session is aimed at providing a forum to introduce you to the ESO Science Archive and data processing tools.

After a brief introduction, which will cover also the latest developments, there will be ample time for hands-on interactive sessions supported by ESO staff members to address your specific questions on how to identify data of interest in the ESO Science Archive, both raw and science-ready processed, and run the ESO science data processing software.


  • Getting the most out of my ESO data: How do I reduce my data?
  • What data can I use from the ESO Science Archive to implement my scientific idea or complement my own data?

Invited speakers

ESO staff will present the functionalities of the ESO Science Archive and data processing tools and will help you with your specific questions.

Scientific organisers

Magda Arnaboldi (Head, ESO Archive Science Group), Wolfram Freudling (Head, ESO Science Data Quality Group), Valentin D. Ivanov (ESO Science Data Quality Group) and Martino Romaniello (Session Chair; Head, ESO Back-end Operations Department).


martino.romaniello @

Updated on Mon Feb 08 09:09:12 CET 2021