Special Session SS15  1 July 2021

Molecules in starless and pre-stellar cores: tools to understand low- and high-mass star-formation

Aims and scope

Starless and pre-stellar cores are the earliest stages in the formation of stars and planetary systems. Molecules are an essential tool to understand the chemistry and physics at the dawn of star formation. Several studies showed that a memory of chemical processes that happen in this early stage is kept after the ignition of the protostar and also during the process of planet formation, as witnessed by the cometary ice composition. Furthermore, molecular tracers are used to study the kinematics and physical properties of the gas in the process of star-formation.

In this special session we will focus on the use of molecules as tools to understand the physics and chemistry at the onset of star formation. We aim at bringing together observers and modellers working on high- and low-mass star-formation to discuss the future challenges and derive strategies to exploit the current (e.g. IRAM, ALMA, APEX, JCMT, JVLA, SOFIA) and upcoming facilities (e.g. JWST).


  • Chemical complexity before star-formation
  • Isotopic fractionation
  • Cores and their surrounding: from cores to filaments

Invited speakers

  • Laura Colzi(Centro de Astrobiología, Spain)
  • Asuncion Fuente (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Spain)
  • Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Fabien Louvet (CEA, France)
  • Elena Redaelli (MPE, Germany)
  • Samantha Scibelli (University of Arizona, USA)

Scientific organisers

Paola Caselli (MPE, Germany), Peter Schilke (University of Cologne, Germany), Silvia Spezzano (Chair, MPE, Germany), Mario Tafalla (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Spain), Jonathan Tan (Chalmers University, Sweden), Charlotte Vastel (IRAP, France), Eva Wirström (Chalmers University, Sweden).


Silvia Spezzano (spezzano @ mpe.mpg.de)

Updated on Mon Jan 25 09:43:28 CET 2021