Special Session SS30
1-2 July 2021
Astronomy for Planet Earth: forging a sustainable future
Aims and scope
Astronomy provides society with a unique perspective of both our place in the Universe and the fragility of our planet. In the face of increasing global temperatures and environmental degradation there is a pressing need for astronomers to realise the role that they can play in communicating the uniqueness of planet Earth and ensuring a sustainable future.
At this year's EAS conference, we are building upon the momentum created last year for a sustainable future of (European) astronomy and get ready for concrete climate action: having established the main sources of CO_2 emissions in our field (air travel and electricity for supercomputing and the operation of big telescopes), the next step is to get everyone on board and define a realistic plan that is commensurate with the immense carbon emission reductions that are required in the next ten years.
Special session on Thursday, 1 July
9:00 - 10:30: "Today": reports about detailed carbon budgets, emission reduction strategies of existing facilities and institutes; best practices and lessons learned from online conferences
11:00 - 12:30: "Tomorrow": a plan to decarbonise European astronomy; sustainability built into the designs for future institutes and telescopes
16:30 - 18:00: "Together": climate communication from an astronomical perspective
Lunch session on Friday, 2 July
with a panel discussion about the future of the EAS annual meeting.
Invited speakers
Special session on Thursday, 1 July
9:00 - 10:30: "Today"
- Debra Fisher (Yale University)
- Matthias Steinmetz (AIP Potsdam)
- Olivier Berné (IRAP, Toulouse)
- Robert Massey (Deputy Executive Director, RAS)
11:00 - 12:30: "Tomorrow"
- Kimberly Nicholas (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
- Claudia Cicone (University of Oslo)
- Lewis Ball (Director of Operations, SKAO)
- Clarisse Aujoux (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
16:30 - 18:00: "Together"
- Michael Mann (Director of Earth System Science Center, Penn State University)
- Karen Olson (University of Arizona)
- Andy Williams (ESO)
- Alison Anderson (University of Plymouth)
Lunch session on Friday, 2 July
- Xavier Barcons (ESO)
- Hannah Dalgleish (Oxford University / Namibia University)
- Sarah White (Rhodes university, South Africa)
- Vanessa Moss (CSIRO)
...and with a panel discussion about the future of the EAS annual meeting.
- Sara Lucatello (INAF Padova; EAS Vice President)
- Johan Knapen (IAC Tenerife; member of the EWASS board)
- Vanessa Moss (CSIRO)
- Huub Röttgering (Scientific director, Leiden Observatory)
- Joop Schaye (EAS 2020/2021 SOC chair, Leiden Observatory)
- Sarah White (Rhodes university, South Africa / EAS inclusion committee)
Scientific organisers
Leo Burtscher (co-chair), Hannah Dalgleish (co-chair), Tobias Beuchert, Faustine Cantalloube, Victoria Grinberg, Natasha Hurley-Walker, Mathieu Isidro, Knud Jahnke, Michelle Willebrands
In case of questions, please contact the EAS sustainability working group at sustainability-eas @ unige.ch.
Updated on Wed Oct 06 07:04:27 CEST 2021