Symposium S14   26-27 June 2025

New Frontiers in Characterising Gas-Giant Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs

Aims and scope

The last few years have seen a remarkable transformation in our ability to observe gas-giant exoplanets and brown dwarfs. The James Webb Space Telescope and ground-based spectroscopy have dramatically increased the inventory of chemical species detected in planetary and brown-dwarf atmospheres while probing their 3D nature, revealing clear evidence for non-equilibrium chemistry, as well as directly detecting cloud species. Perhaps for the first time since the discovery of these objects, the data quality is exceeding our ability to model them. These new insights span all the way from highly-irradiated transiting planets, to directly imaged planets and brown dwarfs still warm from their formation. This meeting is intended to bring together scientists working in these closely related fields in order to share new ideas about cutting-edge observational techniques and novel atmospheric modelling that can advance our shared understanding of the physics and chemistry of gas-giant atmospheres. This session will be a timely opportunity to discuss the latest results from the first three cycles of JWST observations as well as plan the future of European ground-based observations using ESO facilities.


Preliminary Program:

  • Transiting planets with JWST and ground-based high-resolution observations
  • Directly imaged planets and brown dwarfs
  • Advances in atmospheric modelling and retrievals
  • Future facilities

Invited speakers


Scientific organisers

  • Neale Gibson, Trinity College Dublin (chair)
  • Johanna Vos, Trinity College Dublin (co-chair)
  • Donna Rodgers-Lee, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (co-chair)
  • Ernst de Mooij, Queen's University Belfast (co-chair)
  • Evert Nasedkin, Trinity College Dublin
  • Swaetha Ramkumar, Trinity College Dublin
  • Mark Fortune, Trinity College Dublin
  • Elisabeth Matthews, MPIA Heidelberg
  • Niall Whiteford, American Museum of Natural History
  • Contact

    Co-chairs: Neale Gibson (n.gibson @, Johanna Vos (Johanna.Vos @, Donna Rodgers-Lee (dlee @, Ernst de Mooij (e.demooij @

    Updated on Fri Feb 21 17:02:44 CET 2025