Symposium S10
3 – 4 July 2014
mm/submm astronomy in the ALMA era
Aims and scope
Over the last decades, Europe has played a key role in the mm/submm field with facilities like IRAM (Pico Veleta 30m, Plateau de Bure interferometer), the JCMT, or APEX. Nowadays with the advent of ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array, which started to operate in September 2011, the mm/submm astronomy is entering in a new era.
The meeting will consist of 5 sessions of 1-4 hrs duration with 1-3 review talks of 30 min including questions and 4-5 contributed talks given by, if possible, young scientists. The reviews will focus on very recent results and present them in a broader context. The talks will give the opportunity of younger researchers to present their ALMA/IRAM/SMA related results to a wide community, larger than their own research field. The last session will be dedicated to the discussion of the road map of mm/submm astronomy in Europe for the near future, with presentation of the status and development plans of the major facilities (ALMA, IRAM/NOEMA...). This will give the opportunity to present and discuss the present and future of these instruments in front of a wider audience than the mm/submm community. This session will end by an informal discussion (round table) between people involved in these instrumental projects and the (potential) users participating to the meeting.
- Cosmology and Origin of Galaxies
+ Review 1: Molecular Gas at high z
+ Review 2: Molecular Gas in Galaxies at z = 1-3
- Structure of galaxies, Stellar Evolution and ISM
+ Review 1: Star Formation Laws in Galaxies: from normal to extreme starbursts
+ Review 2: Molecular Probes of Feeding and Feedback of Activity in nearby Galaxies
+ Review 3: The ISM chemistry: Today and Tomorrow with ALMA
- Star and Planet Formation
+ Review 1: Low and High Mass Star Formation: Similarities and Differences
+ Review 2: From proto-planetary Disks to debris Disks: Formation and Evolution
- Solar System
+ Review 1: Planetary Atmospheres
+ Review 2: Comets and minor Bodies
- mm/submm Roadmap in Europe
+ Review 1: ALMA Development Plan
+ Review 2: IRAM and NOEMA
+ Review 3: mm/submm VLBI
+ Review 4: SOFIA and APEX in the ALMA Era
- Followed by a Moderated discussion
+1. Future evolutions of ALMA: is there a specific European perspective?
+2. Smaller instruments: what are they role? how can we secure them?
+3. New projects: how to make sure Europe can play a significant role?
+4. ALMA specific issues:
+4a Feedback on evolution of ALMA capabilities
+4b Feedback on long term science priorities for ALMA
+4c Feedback on services offered to users (support, etc)
Invited speakers
- Confirmed speakers are:
Emanuele Daddi (CEA, France), Antonio Usero (OAN Madrid, Spain)
Paola Caselli (Leeds Univ., UK), Maite Beltran (Arcetri, Italy)
Michiel Hogerheijde (Leiden Univ., the Netherlands)
Huib van Langevelde (JIVE/Leiden, the Netherlands)
Leonardo Testi (ESO, Germany), Karl Schuster (IRAM, France)
Friedrich Wyrowski (MPIfR, Germany), Sharon Meidt (MPIA, Germany)
Melanie Krips (IRAM), Jeremie Boissier (IRAM), Arielle Moulet (NRAO)
Scientific organizers
Anne Dutrey (LAB Bordeaux, chair), Santiago Garcia-Burillo (OAN Madrid),
Frederic Gueth (IRAM Grenoble), Leonardo Testi (ESO/ALMA),
Eva Schinnerer (MPIA, Heidelberg), Rob Ivison (ROE, Edinburgh),
Isabella Prandoni (INAF, Bologna), Arielle Moulet (Planetology, NRAO, Charlottesville).
Anne Dutrey: (replace _AT_ by @ )
Updated on Mon Jun 23 11:29:13 CEST 2014