Symposium S4
24 – 25 June 2015
New Challenges in Astrophysics with Gravitational WavesNews: 11/12/2014: List of invited speakers (preliminary) Aims and scopeThe advanced generation of the gravitational detectors Virgo and LIGO is starting its operational scientific life in 2015. When they reach their nominal sensitivity and probably before, we expect the detection of several sources from compact binary mergers (NS-NS, NS-BH, BH-BH) in the local universe. Some of these (NSNS) are also invoked as the progenitors of short-duration gamma-ray bursts, producing clear photon signatures at all energies, while the electromagnetic (EM) emission of NSBH and BHBH is unclear. The association of a GW source with an EM emitter is of paramount importance for learning about the (astro)physics of the objects. However, this association is challenging because of the poor localization accuracy of the source by the advanced LIGO and Virgo network, the background of transient astrophysical and spurious sources, the possible delay for radio sources, and probably the many unknown physical processes at work. The purpose of the session is to gather people from the astrophysics and gravitational wave physics community to share ideas, discuss the possible manifestations of the sources in both domains (and at all wavelengths), the rates, and the strategy for follow-up in the EM domain. Programme
Invited speakers
Scientific organisers Contact Updated on Thu Dec 11 09:51:06 CET 2014
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