Lunch Session LS6  3 April 2018

Outreach Lunch - diversifying astronomy and geophysics outreach

Aims and scope

Join the Education and Outreach team at the RAS for an informative session about making astronomy and geophysics engagement accessible for different groups - particularly those who don't usually engage with these topics.

The lunch will include three speakers and a panel session with question and answer opportunities.

The speakers are:

Jamie Lee Brett from The Prince's Trust

A World Away? How can astronomy engage and inspire disadvantaged young people?

Jamie Brett has lead on the Prince's Trust RAS200 project for the last 18 months. Having previously been supported by the Prince's Trust in his youth, he then went on to work for The Trust supporting other young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their ambitions. Nowadays, Jamie and his team work on the deployment of our STEM Strategy at The Prince'sTrust. This involved developing, enhancing and delivering our nationwide Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths strategy as well as embedding STEM through all frontline operations at The Trust as well as specialist projects. Jamie has established experience in delivering training through managing personal social development, thematic, well-being and holistic support programmes. His passion for all things STEM allowed him the opportunity to speak as a TEDx Speaker in 2015 with his talk "Equipping A Generation To Take Its Place In The Digital Revolution".

Emily Hopkins from Girlguiding

Girlguiding: Reaching for the Stars

Emily is a Fundraising Manager at Girlguiding and manager of the RAS200 Reaching for the Stars project. She has a particular interest in developing partnerships which help increase the number of girls and young women taking an interest and developing careers in STEM. Previous roles have included marketing and fundraising for the Institution of Engineering and Technology benevolent fund, Money Advice Trust, UNIAID, and the National Engineering and Construction Recruitment Exhibition.

Francesca Ooi from The Lightyear Foundation

Lightyear Foundation | illuminating science | igniting curiosity

Francesca is a Neuroscience graduate with experience working in the biopharmaceutical labs for GlaxoSmithKline. She shared her passion for science in the classroom, training with Teach First as a secondary school science teacher. She has developed youth outreach projects for Engineers without Borders and has been a mentor and trainer for Teach First New Zealand. She currently develops science curriculum content for an education technology company and has a keen interest in helping young people towards science careers. As trustee for the Lightyear Foundation, Francesca hopes that all children can use their knowledge of science to live happy and curious lives.


Invited speakers

Scientific organisers
Dr Sheila Kanani Education, Outreach and Diversity officer RAS

outreach @

Updated on Thu Feb 08 11:06:30 CET 2018