Child care availability

To help parents attending EAS 2024, the organizing committee is collaborating with Padova Congress to provide the convenience of a childcare service directly at the venue.

The childcare service will be available from July 1st to July 5th running from 9.00am to 6.00pm, and will welcome children from 0 to 10 years olds.

The childcare space will be equipped with areas dedicated to napping, mealtime, changing tables and breastfeeding. Appropriate materials will be provided for the children's needs (changing tables, high-chairs, tables, chairs, sleeping mats, covers etc.)

Experienced educators will be present at ALL times to look after the children (support with mealtimes, naps and personal hygiene) and ensure their safety. Children will NOT be allowed to wander the Congress Centre and will be provided with an identification tag.

Food will not be provided. You will need to provide lunch and snacks for your child for the day.

There will be two different sets of activities (in english) depending on the age of the child. Special activities appropriate for 0-3 year olds and 3-10 year olds will happen throughout the week :

Children from 0-3 year olds

  • Handling and pouring: Working on children's sensory, motor, cognitive and hand-eye coordination skills using natural materials
  • Construction: Focused on developing creativity, awareness through making and descriptive and functional characteristics of objects promoting curiosity and desire for discovery
  • Graphic-pictorial activities: Enabling the learning of colours, shapes and lines that can be used for the expression of emotions and moods
  • Reading and music: Enriching vocabulary and learning to listen
  • Cooking: Developing children's taste abilities and discovery of flavours through the 5 senses
  • And more

Children from 3-10 year olds

  • Welcome: An introduction to the week allowing the children to get to know each other and working on being a part of a team
  • Chef for a day: Exploring healthy foods and the preparation of easy recipes to enjoy
  • Ideas from nature: A workshop dedicated to recycling and scientific experiments to discover nature and its possibilities
  • The Festivities: Reliving Christmas, Halloween, Easter and birthdays with fun games and customs not only from Italy but the rest of the world
  • And more

There is a fixed fee for this service at 150€, regardless of age and number of days the child will be participating. The number of places is limited.

Should you be interested in this service, please register your child HERE.

The childcare service is sponsored by INAF GEP

The Gender Equality Plan is a programmatic document that identifies and introduces actions that favor the reduction of gender asymmetries, and allow, at the same time, the valorization of all the diversities linked, for example, to the variables age, culture, physical ability, sexual orientation, political and/or religious belief, multilingualism. Thanks to the enthusiastic work by the GEP team, INAF now has an internal GEP, which contains dedicated lines of action aimed at reducing the gender gap.

Among the GEP planned initiatives are those for childcare, and we wish to thank INAF and the GEP team for their generous sponsorship which has allowed us to organise the EAS childcare service.