Special Session SS14  1 July 2024

Beyond Obscuration: Exploring the Innermost Regions of Radio-Quiet AGN through mm Continuum Observations

Aims and scope

In the last few years it has been shown that an unresolved mm continuum component is ubiquitously found in radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei. Recent theoretical studies have argued that this component might be due to self-absorbed synchrotron radiation from the electrons that produce the X-ray emission. This emission, observed on scales from a few parsecs, potentially down to the milli parsec scale, has a huge potential to shed light onto even the most obscured accretion events in the Universe, given its strong penetration power up to ~1e27 cm^-2. Moreover, it could provide fundamental insights on the properties of the X-ray emitting plasma down to the innermost accretion disk, and allow us to infer the intensity of the magnetic field around supermassive black holes, and the coronal heating mechanism.

In this Special Session we will bring the AGN community together to discuss this new window into the innermost regions of accreting massive black holes. During the meeting we will discuss both observations and recent theoretical results, as well as the potential discovery space of the new mm surveys that will start operations in the next few years.


1) Theoretical studies

2) Observations (large samples and variability studies)

3) Future prospects with EHT and mm surveys

Invited speakers

  • Ari Laor (Technion, Israel)
  • Krista Smith (Texas A&M, USA)
  • Taiki Kawamuro (RIKEN, Japan)

Scientific organisers

Claudio Ricci (UDP, Chile; chair), Ari Laor (Technion, Israel, co-chair), Susanne Aalto (Chalmers, Sweden, co-chair), Ranieri Baldi (INAF, Italy), Ehud Behar (Technion, Israel), Violette Impellizzeri (Leiden Univ., Netherlands), Yoshiyuki Inoue (Osaka University, Japan), Mike Koss (Eureka Scientific, USA), Francesca Panessa (IAPS, Italy)


Claudio.Ricci @ mail.udp.cl

Updated on Wed Feb 28 07:29:21 CET 2024