Special Session SS31
5 July 2024
The Square Kilometre Array Observatory: pathway to science operations
Aims and scope
The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO, now under construction) will be the world's largest radio Observatory. In this session we will turn our attention to the Observatory's operations and how we plan to solve unique challenges associated with the novel and cutting-edge nature of the Observatory. The proposed program includes review talks on the core operational aspects of the SKA Mid and Low telescopes, which have important implications for observation design and proposal preparations. We will also discuss the timeline to science verification and Cycle 0, and the development of the Science Regional Centres network (SRCNet), which will be responsible for delivering the Observatory data products to the project teams. Abstract submissions will be invited from the community on science preparatory activities, including - but not limiting to - analysis and results from SKA precursors and pathfinder instruments, SKA forecasts and science case optimization, data analysis pipeline development, participation in SKA science data challenges.
The program will consist of 3 x 1.5 hour sessions, allowing for 12 talks. Five of these talks will be review talks delivered by SKAO staff, aiming to start preparing the astronomy community for the operational phase of the SKA. We will also include contributed talks from the community in order to cover a range of topics including:
- Preparation for the operational phase of the Observatory, including detailed information on Mid and Low
- Timelines to Science Verification and Cycle 0
- SRCNet development
- SKA science and data challenges
- Analysis and results from SKA precursors and pathfinder instruments
- SKA forecasts and science case optimization
- Data analysis pipeline development
Invited speakers
- Shari Breen SKAO
- Anna Bonaldi SKAO
- Rosie Bolton (TBC) SKAO
- (more to be added soon) SKAO
Scientific organisers
- Shari Breen (SKAO UK), co-chair
- Wendy Williams (SKAO UK), co-chair
- Pikky Atri (ASTRON)
- Emmanuel Bempong-Manful (University of Manchester)
- James Collinson (SKAO)
- Isabella Rammala (MPIFR)
- Chris Riseley (Università di Bologna)
- shari.breen@skao.int
- wendy.williams @ skao.int
Updated on Wed May 01 17:02:45 CEST 2024