Special Session SS16
24 June 2019
The physics of accretion columns: young stellar objects and cataclysmic variablesNews: Asbtract submission for e-posters is open on the EWASS website! The dead-line is March 3, 2019. Aims and scopeWe intend to bring together modelers, observers, and experimental physicists to confront our understanding of the physics of magnetic accretion columns that govern the properties and evolution of young stellar objects and cataclysmic variables. We will discuss the various approaches undertaken to evaluate how accretion columns impact the star, its atmosphere (chromosphere, corona), and surroundings (e.g. circumstellar disks, winds, and jets), and what are the observational diagnostics to be expected from X-ray to near-IR wavelengths. The main goal is to foster discussions between two communities who rarely meet and work separately on young stellar objects and cataclysmic variables. It is also an opportunity to consolidate a dialog between observers, theoreticians and laboratory physicists, in order to develop a more comprehensive view of the physics of accretion columns. Indeed, the community of European researchers has been particularly active in this field, as witnessed by a number of nationally- and internationally-funded projects on these topics (e.g. ANR StarShock, ERC AdG SPIDI, etc.). Programme
Invited speakers
Scientific organisers Costanza Argiroffi, Jerome Bouvier (co-chair), Veronique Cayatte, Domitilla De Martino, Catherine Dougados, Emeric Falize (co-chair), Chantal Stehle Contact Jerome.Bouvier @ univ-grenoble-alpes.fr, emeric.m.falize @ gmail.com Updated on Mon Feb 04 10:58:01 CET 2019
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science / The annual meeting of the EAS |