Special Session SS31
28 June 2019
3-D spectroscopy from sub-mm to X-ray: the promise of Athena in the 2030s multiwavelength contextNews: The scope of the proposed Special Session is to bring together theoreticians, observers and data analysis experts on 3-D spectral data to review the potential of the synergies between the Athena X-IFU and 3-D spectroscopic facility from the sub-mm to the optical band. Aims and scopeIn the early 2030s, innovative Integral Field Units (IFUs) will operate in the infrared and optical from large ground-based facilities (e.g. HARMONI@ELT). In space, the European Space Agency L-class X-ray observatory Athena. Athena will carry the first IFU operated in X-rays combining high spectral resolution with a spatial resolution (~5 arcseconds) comparable to IFUs in other wavelengths. Furthermore, the continuous operations of the Atacama Large Millimiter Array (ALMA) extends the real of 3-D spectroscopy to the millimiter and sub-millimiter bands.
The simultaneous availability of IFUs in the "traditional" optical/IR and in the high-energy domain will allow combined studies of galaxy dynamics and star formation at its cosmological peak with the opening of a potentially revolutionary observational window to study phenomena as diverse as the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium gas accretion onto the core of galaxy clusters at redshift up to 2, the interplay of accretion and ejection in Active Galactic Nuclei, and gas dynamics in the central region of galaxies, just to mention a few. Optical/NIR IFUs will also be key to identify accreting super-massive black holes down to the Epoch of Reionization that will be unveiled by deep X-ray surveys with the Athena Wide Field Imager (WFI).
Programme The program of the Special Session is structured around the following three main topics:
Invited speakers
Scientific organisers Matteo Guainazzi (ESA) and Didier Barret (IRAP) with the support of the Athena community office Science Organizing Committee:
Contact For any information on the scientific program of this session, please contact: ss31.aco @ ifca.unican.es, or consult the Special Session web page at the Athena Community Office. Updated on Fri May 03 08:58:58 CEST 2019
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