Symposium S8  5 – 6 April 2018

The formation of stars and planets

Aims and scope

The study of the formation of stars and planets is a very exciting topic being pursued actively by many researchers across Europe. Facilities used by European astronomers such as NOEMA, ALMA, e-MERLIN/EVN and JCMT are producing very exciting results and giving new insights into these complex topics. The goal of this session would be to bring together expertise from across Europe to discuss the latest findings, and to compare the results with the predictions of the many theoretical models that have been produced by European astronomers. This is an excellent opportunity to bring together this whole community. It is also extremely timely, in the post-Herschel/Planck era, when the results from those European space missions have now been published, since the mass of Herschel and Planck data can now be assessed as a whole and compared with newer observations and models to provide analytical tests of the models. The timeliness is further enhanced by the possibilities this session provides to allow the community to begin to discuss projected ideas for science in this field with the SKA.


Invited speakers

Scientific organisers
Derek Ward-Thompson and Jane Greaves

Derek Ward-Thompson (dward-thompson @ and Jane Greaves (greavesj1 @

Updated on Mon Sep 25 18:21:26 CEST 2017