Lunch Session LS17  13 July 2023

The future of EAS meetings

Aims and scope

The EAS Council would like to make the EAS meetings as sustainable as possible while at the same time stimulating science across Europe and offering a place for exciting scientific interactions. In this lunch meeting, we invite members of the EAS interested in this topic to participate and offer suggestions on how you see the future meetings of the EAS. It will be kicked off with a brief discussion of options already on the table and then an open discussion will be held.

The main aim of this meeting is to provide feedback to the EAS Council on what the EAS membership would like to see in the future.


  • The EAS Annual Meeting: organisational constraints
  • Options on the table
  • Discussion

Invited speakers

  • Lex Kaper (University of Amsterdam)
  • Jarle Brinchmann (University of Porto)

Scientific organisers

EAS Annual Meeting Board


L.Kaper @

Updated on Tue Jul 04 23:54:27 CEST 2023