Symposium S5
13-14 July 2023
From stellar variability to stellar structure and evolution
Aims and scope
High accuracy data obtained from space with access to a wide spectral range have revolutionized stellar astrophysics, as the intricate light variations of stars bear the signatures of physical processes occurring on their surfaces and in their interiors. During this conference, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of BRITE-Constellation and the 5th anniversary of TESS science operations and the MOBSTER collaboration. It is particularly BRITE and TESS that have led to a surge of understanding of the physical processes in massive stars.
Massive stars drive the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies through mass loss and supernova explosions. They mostly occur in binary systems and many bear the signatures of binary interactions. Physical processes and phenomena such as convective core-overshooting, semi-convection, rotational mixing, magnetic fields and mass loss heavily modify their structure and evolution that will finally lead to supernovae, gamma ray bursts and gravitational wave sources. This symposium will link all these astrophysical aspects, as they have been explored from space mission data.
- Stochastic variability
- Pulsational variability
- Rotational variability
- Orbital variability
- Long term and evolutionary changes
- Present and future instrumentation
Invited speakers
- Kelly Hambleton Villanova University, USA
- Coralie Neiner LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France
- Zsolt Keszthelyi National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Rathish Ratnasingam Newcaste University, England
- Sébastien Salmon University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Yaël Nazé University of Liège, Belgium
Scientific organisers
Gerald Handler Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland (chair)
Véronique Petit University of Delaware, USA (co-chair)
Victoria Antoci DTU Space, Denmark
Rhita-Maria Ouazzani Observatoire Paris-Meduon, France
Jonathan Labadie-Bartz University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Catherine Lovekin Mount Allison University, Canada
Werner Weiss University of Vienna, Austria
Dominic Bowman Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Konstanze Zwintz University of Innsbruck, Austria
Alexandre David-Uraz Howard University/NASA GSFC, USA
gerald @
Updated on Fri May 26 16:01:59 CEST 2023