Call for Expressions of Interest to organise Symposia and Special SessionsDeadline: Friday, 14 July 2017The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018) will take place in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on 3 – 6 April 2018. The meeting is organised at the Arena & Convention Centre (ACC) of Liverpool by the European Astronomical Society (EAS), in collaboration with the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS). This venue is located at the Liverpool Waterfront, an iconic UNESCO World Heritage site on the river Mersey and close to the city centre. We herewith invite proposals from colleagues who are interested in organising a Symposium or a Special Session. A broad range of parallel sessions can be accommodated as:
Proposers should strive to make their proposals of interest to large fractions of the European astronomical community. All proposals should be submitted as plain text email, with of the order of 500 words, and should include the following information:
Proposers should also indicate that and how they will adhere to the EAS policy regarding diversity and non discrimination. Organisers of EWASS sessions are benefitting from the logistical support of the EWASS conference including the venue, registration handling, the portal for abstract submission and reviewing, and the hosting of a web page on the EWASS website. Organisers should not count on additional support from EWASS for attending the conference, neither for themselves nor for their invited speakers. There are typically no general EWASS proceedings. The decision to have proceedings for each Symposium and Special Session is taken by the SOC of the individual session, upon approval by the EWASS Board. Proposals should be sent to the Science Organising Committee (SOC) per e-mail at SOC-EWASS-2018 <EWASS2018 @ ljmu.ac.uk>.
The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is: Applicants will be notified before the end of August 2017 about the outcome of the selection. Individuals within the Astronomy and Space Science communities, as well as EU sponsored networks, are strongly encouraged to propose and organise sessions. Astronomers not connected with any European institution are also welcome to propose sessions, but should plan to involve an European collaborator. Please refer to the sessions included in the programs of EWASS 2016 and EWASS 2017.
Chris Collins |
EWASS 2018 : European Week of Astronomy and Space Science |