Abstract SubmissionStatus 22.05.2020 Sorry, the abstract submission portal is now closed. ePostersYour scientific ePoster will be displayed on an online virtual gallery including an interact function to enable connecting with other attendees. More details on ePosters will be provided later. For technical questions regarding your abstract submission and for any other queries, please contact the Congress Secretariat at eas2020 @ kuoni-congress.com. Reviewing processAbstracts will be reviewed by the scientific organisers of the various Symposia and Special/Lunch Sessions. The Scientific Organising Committee reserves the right to re-categorize the abstract. Abstracts can be accepted either as ePoster, or as oral presentations. Details on ePoster format and full presentation guidelines will be included in a notification letter. Notification regarding the status of your abstract acceptance (oral, ePoster or rejected) were sent to the abstract author mid-May 2020. |
European Astronomical Society |