Lunch Session LS14  3 July 2020

Impact of planned Satellite Constellations on Astronomy

Aims and scope

Aim of the session is to discuss the impact that the planned Satellite Constellations (e.g. Starlink, Project Kuiper, Oneweb) are expected to have on astronomical observations, both ground based and from space. We will also discuss possible mitigation plans.


Invited speakers

  • Confirmed invited speakers:
  • Patricia Cooper SpaceX
  • Federico Di Vruno SKA
  • Jared Greene SpaceX
  • Aarti Holla ESOA
  • Holger Krag ESA
  • Mark McCaughrean ESA
  • Tony Tyson LSST
  • Andy Williams ESO
  • Connie Walker NOAO

Scientific organisers

  • Sara Lucatello INAF
  • Robert Massey RAS
  • Piero Benvenuti IAU


sara.lucatello @

Updated on Tue May 26 00:17:00 CEST 2020