
EAS aims to reduce its overall carbon footprint for the organization of the conference. In order to support our commitment to reduce the environmental impact of this conference, we encourage you to follow our suggestions:

Carbon offset

Please join us in our strategy to reduce carbon emissions during EAS.

Why carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is the way for you to take full responsibility for your residual carbon emissions. This means you compensate for every tonne of CO2 you emit by ensuring there is one tonne less in the atmosphere. It both helps to combat global climate change as well as caring for local communities. In many instances providing much needed employment, health improvement, biodiversity and broad social benefits to impoverished communities.

EAS' carbon offsetting is being undertaken through Trees for all.

Please click this link and use the following code: R05.

How is your contribution used?

So-called carbon credits are purchased from the project with the passenger investments. A carbon credit can be seen as a form of permission to emit greenhouse gases, which are then reduced or removed from the atmosphere through an emissions-reducing project. A reforestation project works as follows: newly planted trees absorb and store (sequester) carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) from the atmosphere in their roots, stem and crown.


We encourage participants to consider various transport alternative such as train travel. Choosing train transport can cost you less, be more comfortable and will have lower carbon footprint. We remind participants to make use of the eco-friendly options of transportation in Leiden.


EAS offers you the possibility to rent a bike from the Holiday Inn (only available for participants staying at the Holiday Inn).

Conditions of reservation: No reservation are needed beforehand. The bikes reservation will be available onsite on a first come first served basis.

  • Standard : € 11.00 per day including VAT.
  • Electrical : € 24.00 per day including VAT.
  • Other bike rental options will be advertised on the website in May/June.

    Food & Beverages

    EAS decided to propose vegetarian lunches as default during the conference and show our commitment to reducing our impact. Vegetarian food is known to require fewer resources (CO2, water) than meat production. However, a meat or fish option will still be available.

    We also give delegates the opportunity to express any specific dietary requirements, and providing vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free options.

    Waste Prevention

    The Conference will have its mobile application, to reduce the amount of paper waste. The programme will only be printed on demand during registration process.

    To prevent waste, there will be a no disposable papers or pens available onsite.

    To avoid a large number of single-use plastic bottles, we will offer water in carafes and glasses in all meeting rooms (where possible). Tap water in the conference venue will be high-quality dune-filtered drinking water ( and you are welcome to bring your own re-fillable water bottle.

    Badges will be printed with recyclable paper as conscious action and recycled when collected after the conference.

    We remind attendees to recycle their lanyards following the Conference. There will be a collection place of lanyards at the exit of the registration desk.