A power cut will shut down all EAS services on Tuesday, 10 January 2017 starting at 7:30 CET.
Plenary Talks
- Michel Mayor (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Doppler cross-correlation spectroscopy as a path to the
detection of Earth-like planets. - From CORAVEL to ESPRESSO via ELODIE
(Mon 15:30)
- Didier Queloz (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom & ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Exoplanets and life in the Universe
(Fri 15:00)
- Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco (University of Alcal´a, Spain)
Encounters with our star: Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
(Mon 16:30)
- Carme Jordi (University of Barcelona, Spain)
The richness of Gaia Data Release 3
(Tue 16:00)
- Roberto Maiolino (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
(Tue 16:30)
- Huib van Langevelde (JIVE, The Netherlands)
Resolving the shadows of Black Holes with the EHT
(Wed 15:00)
- Zita Martins (University of Lisboa, Portugal)
Recent achievements in the exploration of the solar system
(Fri 15:30)
- Olivier Hainaut (ESO, Germany)
Satellite Large Constellations and Astronomy - what is the
problem and what are we doing about it?
(Mon 16:00)
Community Reports
- Markus Kissler-Patig (ESA report)
(Tue 15:30)
- Robert Braun (SKA Organisation, United Kingdom)
(Tue 15:45)
- Michele Cirasuolo (ESO report)
(Fri 16:00)
Prize Award Talks and Ceremonies
In addition, the following prizes will be presented during EAS 2022: