Special Session SS22  4 July 2024

European Forum of Astronomical Communities

Aims and scope

The European Forum of Astronomical Communities is a platform of the EAS to discuss the development of underrepresented astronomy communities in Europe and present the current and new networking opportunities available to European astronomers.

* Maintain the EAS Forum as a platform for discussing ways to support under-represented astronomical communities in Europe, especially enhancing their potential to participate in major infrastructures and outreach programmes, and to increase internationalization.

* Support the professionalisation of astronomical communities in Europe by identifying ways to increase opportunities and access to training, mentoring, exchange schemes, secondments and fellowships, travel and research grants, and to increase diversity in the field.

* Present current networking opportunities in the field of research, outreach, industrial and educational activities in astronomy available in Europe.


Invited speakers

Scientific organisers

Wolf Geppert - Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre (SE) Gerry Gilmore - University of Cambridge (UK) Agata Karska - Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and University of Bonn (DE) Markus Kissler-Patig - ESA Carme Jordi - University of Barcelona (SP) Claudia Paladini - ESO Milena Ratajczak - University of Warsaw (PL) Edita Stonkute - University of Vilnius (LT) Grazina Tautvaisiene - University of Vilnius (LT) Nicholas Walton - University of Cambridge (UK) Lukasz Wyrzykowski - University of Warsaw (PL) - Chair


Lukasz Wyrzykowski (lw @ astrouw.edu.pl)

Updated on Fri Feb 02 01:59:27 CET 2024