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SKA-Low Operations ScientistClosing date: 2025-04-30
Contact: Heather
A unique opportunity for a talented and motivated radio astronomer to play major roles in the scientific verification and operation of the world's largest low-frequency radio telescope. This role has a specific focus on expertise in the areas of Epoch of Rionisation, Cosmic Dawn, low frequency cosmology, or intensity mapping.

The SKA-Low Operations Scientist will be based at the Science Operations Centre in Perth, Australia.

Apply here: https://recruitment.skao.int/vacancy/skalow-operations-scientist-582036.html
PhD positions in stellar astrophysics at Uppsala University, SwedenClosing date: 2025-04-04
Contact: Thomas Nordlander
We are looking for up to three PhD students in astrophysics, with focus on Galactic archaeology, galaxy evolution, and stellar spectroscopy including accreted stellar populations, stellar ages, chemical evolution and the first stars.
The positions are fully funded and will cover purchase of computing equipment as well as research/conference travel.
Post-doctoral or researcher position in stellar astrophysicsClosing date: 2025-03-28
Contact: Lenka Cihakova
Applications are invited for a fixed-term researcher position in the Stellar Physics Department of the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The successful applicant will work in the team of Dr. Michaela Kraus on modelling of stellar atmospheres and winds of pulsating blue supergiants. Advanced knowledge in handling non-LTE radiative transfer codes such as CMFGEN or PoWR is pre-requisite for the position.
Maîtrise en 2026 au Planétarium de Montréal et IREx / 2026 M.Sc. at the Montreal Planetarium and IRExClosing date: 2025-05-31
Contact: Jonathan Gagné
*French follows*

The Montreal Planetarium, in collaboration with the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (IREx), affiliated with the Department of Physics of the Université de Montréal (UdeM), invites candidates to apply for an M. Sc. under the supervision of Jonathan Gagné on the detection and characterization of isolated planetary-mass objects (planemos) in nearby, young stellar associations.

The Masters' degree will start between January and April 2026 for 2 years. The stipend is 17k CAD/year.

Apply here / Appliquez ici: https://forms.gle/dehkVo6y25wqSduRA
Two post-doctoral positions in pipeline development for the ESO Extremely Large Telescope instruments METIS and MICADO.Closing date: 2025-04-03
Contact: Norbert Przybilla
Duration: 2 years
Number of Positions Available: 2
Could the duration be extended: Yes, if funding is available
Work Arrangement: In-Person
Location: Innsbruck / Austria
2025 Montreal Planetarium / UdeM / MITACS Postdoctoral FellowshipClosing date: 2025-04-15
Contact: Olivier Hernandez
The Montreal Planetarium, in collaboration with the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (IREx), affiliated with the Department of Physics of the Université de Montréal (UdeM), invites candidates to apply to a MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship in observational astrophysics applied to the study of brown dwarfs, isolated planetary-mass objects and nearby, young associations.

The full job posting information can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/ys44bmnc

To apply, fill out the following form: https://tinyurl.com/pvppwvee
Postdoctoral Position in Galactic ArchaeologyClosing date: 2025-05-31
Contact: Nadège Lagarde
We invite applications for one postdoctoral position at the Bordeaux Laboratory for Astrophysics, France, to work on the characterisation of old Galactic stellar populations.
Studentship at the European Southern Observatory Closing date: 2025-04-20
Contact: Evelina Dietmann
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) offers an exceptional opportunity for PhD students to conduct research in a dynamic and scientifically rich environment. Our Studentship Programme allows students to work at one of the world's leading observatories for a period of one to two years.
ESA Archival Research Visitor ProgrammeClosing date: 2025-04-30
Contact: Guido De Marchi
To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc).
Chief Scientist Closing date: 2025-04-13
Contact: Heather
The Chief Scientist will have a strong record of astronomical research, a deep understanding of modern, state-of-the art astronomical facilities with extensive experience of radio astronomy interferometry. The appointee must be globally recognised as a leading researcher in their field, and have a demonstrable record of shaping scientific thinking across a broad community. They will be expected to communicate well and effectively across the Observatory and the SKAO?s science community.

Apply here: https://recruitment.skao.int/vacancy/chief-scientist-579979.html
PhD position: Galactic archeology through stellar spectroscopyClosing date: 2025-03-23
Contact: Henrik Jönsson
One PhD-position in astrophysics is available at Malmö University, Sweden, with application deadline March 23rd 2025, and approximative starting date of September 2025.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Brown Dwarfs and/or Ultracool DwarfsClosing date: 2025-05-01
Contact: Stanimir Metchev
Prof. Stanimir Metchev at the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration at Western University in London, Ontario invites applications for a Postdoctoral Associate to lead analysis of JWST observations and preparations for the proposed POET Canadian space astronomy mission.
Assistant / Associate Professorship in Data-Driven Radio Astronomy / CosmologyClosing date: 2025-04-15
Contact: Metuka
Assistant / Associate Professorship in Data-Driven Radio Astronomy / Cosmology

DEPARTMENT/LOCATION: Department of Physics, West Cambridge

SALARY: £46,485 - £58,596 (Grade 9) or £62,098 - £65,814 (Grade 10)


CATEGORY: Academic

PUBLISHED: 15 January 2025

CLOSING DATE: 15 April 2025

We are seeking a University Assistant / Associate Professor in Data-Driven Radio Astronomy / Cosmology.
PhD and Postdoctoral research position on star-forming galaxiesClosing date: 2025-03-17
Contact: Daniel Schaerer
The University of Geneva, Switzerland, announces a PhD and postdoctoral position on star-forming galaxies in the framework of the Swiss-French collaborative project "speXion" co-funded by the SNSF and ANR.
DSTrain - 18 MSCA COFUND Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of OsloClosing date: 2025-04-06
Contact: Per Barth Lilje
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Oslo offers 18 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions COFUND Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Computational and Natural Sciences.

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