EAS News
Word from the President
Sara Lucatello

As 2024 draws to a close, I take the opportunity to reflect on what has been a truly busy year for our Society. Following the last elections, the council now has 12 members, reflecting the updated EAS constitution approved in 2022. This growth enhances the Council's capacity to take on a wide range of activities and address the diverse and evolving needs of the European astronomical community. We are also delighted to welcome three new organisational members, AIP, JIVE and NOVA. Organisational members play an important role in securing the financial sustainability of the Society and its activities for European astronomy and we are grateful for their support. The society has also strengthened its relationship with the African Astronomical Society (AfAS), and we are actively exploring ways to expand this partnership further in the future. The protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky has remained a central focus in 2024. Read more

EAS News
EAS Annual Meeting 2025 in Cork, Ireland

The EAS Annual Meeting 2025 will be hosted by the University College Cork from June 23 to 27, 2025. The Scientific Organising Committee is co-chaired by Prof. Paul Callanan of UCC and Prof. Matt Redman of the University of Galway. The SOC received a record number of 127 proposals for Symposia, Special Sessions and Lunch Sessions which are currently being evaluated. Registration for the EAS Annual Meeting 2025 will commence in January 2025. A large number of (modern) student rooms on the UCC campus have been blocked for use by participants of the EAS Annual Meeting. Also in Cork the EAS will provide the possibility to participate online. Read more

EAS News
EAS has a new Organisational member at the affiliate level: AIP Potsdam
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics

The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), located in Potsdam, Germany, is a research institution dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the exploration of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. The key areas of research focus on stellar, solar and exoplanetary physics as well as extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology. A considerable part of the institute's efforts aims at the development of research technology in the fields of spectroscopy, robotic telescopes, and e-science. The AIP is the successor of the Berlin Observatory founded in 1700 and of the Astrophysical Observatory of Potsdam founded in 1874. The latter was the world's first observatory to emphasize explicitly the research area of astrophysics. Read more

EAS News
EAS has a new Organisational member at the sponsor level: JIVE
Joint Institute for VLBI

For over 30 years, the Joint Institute for VLBI (JIVE) has been leading the development and use of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and other radio astronomy techniques. In 2014, JIVE became the first European Research Infrastructure (ERIC) dedicated to astronomy. It coordinates the radio telescopes of the European VLBI Network (EVN), correlates their data, and supports astronomers using the EVN throughout their research, from proposal ideas to data reduction. JIVE's presence at EAS meetings has grown in recent years, with its booth drawing strong interest from across the astronomy community, enabling conversations that provide valuable insights into JIVE's innovative research and contributions to the field. Read more

EAS News
EAS has a new Organisational member at the patron level: NOVA
Netherlands Research School for Astronomy

NOVA, the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy, is the alliance of the universities of Amsterdam, Groningen, Leiden and Nijmegen. In NOVA, the astronomy institutes at these four institutes jointly coordinate their research into one coherent and focused program, forming a single "virtual"; institute. NOVA's mission is threefold: 1) to carry out astronomical research at the highest international level; 2) to train the next generation of astronomers; and 3) to share our discoveries with society. NOVA received its first funding as a "top research school"; from the Netherlands ministry of education in 1999, and so is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. In 2023, NOVA was made permanent with continued funding. The NOVA program has three main components: research, instrumentation and public outreach. Read more

EAS News
News from affiliated societies: Royal Astronomical Society & Hellenic Astronomical Society

In this e-Newsletter we start a section with some brief news from our sister national societies. We aim at including in this section a couple of news items that will allow the EAS community to get to know one another. The editors welcome any comments and suggestions from EAS members. In the starting piece we present two news bits from the Royal Astronomical Society of the United Kingdom (RAS) and the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.). Read more

HERA workshop series

The second "WE Heraeus - EAS Early Career Researchers in Astronomy Workshop" (HERA24) took place in the week of September 22nd till 27th at the Academy of Athens in Athens, Greece. The topic was "The Nature and the Dynamics of Structures Observed in Galactic Disks". The workshop was again targeted to young European researchers, with the idea of fostering interaction and promote interest in shaping the future of European astronomy. Like HERA23, each day started with a lecture by a senior scientist, followed by talks of the participating scientists. The social program allowed the participants to visit local astronomy and archeological sites. The workshop was very successful, provided an atmosphere of exciting exchange of ideas and gave a platform for future collaborations. Read more

About the EAS and the e-Newsletter

The European Astronomical Society (EAS) is a society of professional astronomers founded in 1990 and aiming at promoting and advancing astronomy in Europe. Its contact point is the EAS Office, located at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Started in 2016, the e-Newsletter is a prime communication tool between the society and its members, and it is issued three to four times per year.

If you would like to contribute, please contact Agata Różańska (CAMK PAN, Poland), the EAS e-Newsletter editor.

Composition of the EAS Council

Sara Lucatello, Italy
Lex Kaper, The Netherlands
Nabila Aghanim, France
Andreja Gomboc, Slovenia
Nick Kylafis, Greece
Antoaneta Antonova, Bulgaria
Jarle Brinchmann, Portugal
Andreas Burkert, Germany
Agata Różańska, Poland
Mariya Lyubenova, Germany
Sven Wedemeyer, Norway
Ignacio Ferreras, Spain
Executive Secretary:
Marc Audard, Switzerland