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Post-doc position on "Physics of the ISM in galaxies through spec. surveys" at the Arcetri Obs. (Florence) | Closing date: 2022-01-15 Contact: Giovanni Cresci |
The Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (INAF), in Florence, Italy, invites application for a two years post-doc position.
The fellow will focus on the study of the Interstellar Medium in galaxies (chemical abundances, dynamics and ionization conditions) using optical and near-IR spectroscopy, including data from GTO time on forthcoming new facilities such as MOONS and ERIS at the VLT. The activity will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni Cresci, and in close collaboration with F. Mannucci, F. Belfiore and A. Marconi | ▸ more | The official announcement can be found at https://www.arcetri.inaf.it/images/data/Concorsi/DD1272021/DD_127-2021_-Bando-MOONS_signed.pdf
A PhD in physics, astronomy or related discipline is required, or alternatively a Master degree and at least three years of documented experience in scientific activities. The position should start preferably before October 1st, 2022, and is tenable for two years after a review at the end of the first year. Applications must consist of:
- an application form consisting of Annex 1 & 2 (see the official announcement) and a certification form signed and dated by the applicant;
- A copy of a valid identity document (ID card for EU-citizens or passport for non-EU citizens);
- A CV, signed and dated by the applicant;
- A list of publications;
- a brief statement of research interests, up to three pages in length (12 pt Times New Roman);
- two reference letters to be sent before the deadline directly by the referees to the address: inafoaarcetri @ pcert.postecert.it, reporting in the subject line the indication of the related procedure: DD 127/2021 and the name of the candidate;
- A copy of the Masters and/or PhD certificate, and respective English translations (if the original is not in English);
Previous experience with optical and near-IR spectroscopy, chemical abundances in HII regions and galaxies, physics of the ISM and tools for data reduction and analysis of spectroscopic data will be considered as preferential qualifications.
All material shall be submitted in English. The deadline for applications is January 15th, 2022 1.00 p.m. (CET). The application must be submitted electronically at inafoaarcetri @ pcert.postecert.it .
Short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview likely in late January. The gross salary will be of 28000 euro/year. Employment conditions include social benefits granted according to applicable Italian regulations for public sector employment.
More information on the Extragalactic group of the Arcetri Observatory: https://www.arcetri.inaf.it/en/research/galaxies-and-cosmology
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