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Maîtrise en 2026 au Planétarium de Montréal et IREx / 2026 M.Sc. at the Montreal Planetarium and IRExClosing date: 2025-05-31
Contact: Jonathan Gagné
*French follows*

The Montreal Planetarium, in collaboration with the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (IREx), affiliated with the Department of Physics of the Université de Montréal (UdeM), invites candidates to apply for an M. Sc. under the supervision of Jonathan Gagné on the detection and characterization of isolated planetary-mass objects (planemos) in nearby, young stellar associations.

The Masters' degree will start between January and April 2026 for 2 years. The stipend is 17k CAD/year.

Apply here / Appliquez ici: https://forms.gle/dehkVo6y25wqSduRA

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