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EAS 2025
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Please select a session from the drop-down list below to get detailed information.
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S1: Gaia: The (TWO) Billion Star Galaxy Census: Anticipating the Leap in Understanding of Planets, …
S2: XRISM and friends: the sharpest view of the X-ray Universe
S3: Young Stars and Clusters
S4: Setting the stage for planet formation: the importance of the environment for the evolution of …
S5: Binary Stellar Interactions and Their Outcomes
S6: The future of visible/infrared High-Angular Resolution Astronomy in Europe
S7: Novel probes for dark matter on galactic scales
S8: Cosmic Chemical Enrichment: A tale of stars and galaxies
S9: Stellar Ages Across the Cosmos: Unveiling the Chronology of the Universe
S10: Science with gravitational lensing in the multi space-telescope era: new prospects and opportunities
S11: European astronomy: science vision beyond 2040
S12: Understanding and Interpreting Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe
S13: Globular Clusters: Exploring Multiple Stellar Populations at the Frontier of Spectroscopy, …
S14: New Frontiers in Characterising Gas-Giant Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs
S15: The changing macrocosm of astroinformatics : big data, artificial intelligence, statistical …
SS1: PLATO's Prospects in Exoplanet and Stellar Science
SS2: A space telescope to rule them all: results from Euclid's first 50 square degrees and challenges …
SS3: The chemistry of planet formation
SS4: The future of terrestrial exoplanet characterization
SS5: The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time: a European pathway from First Look to …
SS6: A panoptic view of the solar neighborhood: new insights into the nearest ISM laboratory.
SS7: WST: the Wide-field spectroscopic facility.
SS8: Astrochemical Horizons: From Galaxies to Comets
SS9: Massive Stars and their Diverse Transients
SS10: Metals and dust enrichment across cosmic epochs: models and observations
SS11: JWST Data Pipeline
SS12: The Future of Scientific Publishing: Strategies and Challenges for Astronomy
SS13: Highly magnetised neutron stars under the spotlight
SS14: Gamma-Ray Bursts and Fast X-ray Transients in the SVOM and Einstein Probe Era
SS15: Timing, spectroscopic, and polarimetric properties of weakly magnetized neutron stars
SS16: A new picture of galaxy evolution from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon: after the first years of JWST …
SS17: The Galactic Center: Multiscale and Multiphysics Evolution through Multiwavelength Observations
SS18: The rise and fall of dust in SNRs, in AGB stars and in the ISM
SS19: Galaxies and ICM across the protocluster to cluster transition
SS20: Polarimetry of young stellar objects: instrumentation, observations and models
SS21: Stellar magnetism and its effects on the planetary environment: from solar-like stars to ultracool dwarfs
SS22: Modelling the first billion years
SS23: The very high energy view on massive stellar ecosystems
SS24: Compact binary millisecond pulsars and the growing spider web
SS25: Overfed Giants: Early Universe and Observational Cosmology with the ELTs
SS26: Quasar spectroscopy dissecting the Reionization epoch: XQR-30 and beyond
SS27: Unleashing the Power: Linking the Small and the Large in Multi-phase AGN Outflows
SS28: The Outer Solar System in its Stellar Environment - in Large Surveys Area
SS29: Accretion Bursts in Protostars: Illuminating the Path of Star Formation
SS30: A Multi-scale Perspective on Stellar Feedback in the Context of Galaxy Evolution
SS31: Numerical models of extreme stellar explosions: bridging the gap between the central engine and the …
SS32: Probing the dynamics of galactic nuclei with nuclear transients.
SS33: A bright future for UV astronomy
SS34: XMXS 2025: Extreme Matter in Extreme Stars
SS35: Cracking Cosmic Collisions: Cutting-Edge Tools to study galaxy mergers
SS36: From giants to dwarfs: unveiling stellar and AGN feedback in the first 3 Gyr of the Universe
SS37: A multi-wavelength journey through the realm of high-mass X-ray binaries the missing link to …
SS38: A bright future for Far-Infrared Astrophysics in Europe
SS39: The magnetised Universe from galaxies to cosmic voids in the SKA & CTAO era
SS40: Gamma-ray astronomy breakthroughs: New insights in the extreme universe
SS41: Urgent Atomic and Molecular Data Needs for Astronomy and Astrophysics
SS42: Kilonovae: What do we know and what else can observations of kilonovae tell us?
SS43: Novae: From Accretion to Post-Eruption Phenomena
SS44: The HRMOS instrument: very high spectral resolution combined with multi-object capabilities
SS45: Early Career Astronomers and their supporters
SS46: Is balancing mental health, care and research work possible in Astronomy and Space Science?
SS47: Beyond awareness: Reducing the carbon footprint of European astronomy
SS48: European-African collaboration for the construction and support of existing and future African …
SS49: European Forum of Astronomical Communities
SS50: Diversity and Inclusion in Project Management and Leadership
SS51: An Intersectional Approach to EDI Strategies
SS52: The Legacy of the IAU-GA 2024 for Africa-Europe Collaborations in Astronomy
SS53: Dust, Gas and Planets in Debris Disk Systems
LS1: The ESA Science programme
LS2: The ESA Space Science Archives
LS3: The SKA Observatory: preparing the community for SKA science
LS4: Engaging the European public with the wonder of upcoming solar eclipses
LS5: Getting the most out of ESO data: a hands-on session on the ESO Science Archive and data processing tools
LS6: The ALMA 2030 Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: status update
LS7: Your science with the VLTI: easier than you think!
LS8: Reimagining Astronomy Education in Europe
LS9: Astronomy on Tap Europe Lunch Session
LS10: Classical Astronomical Observatories and UNESCO World Heritage
European Astronomical Society