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Postdoctoral position in machine learning applied to galaxy morphologyClosing date: 2023-07-31
Contact: Miguel Mas
We are looking for a researcher to join the Centre for Astrobiology campus at ESAC, nead Madrid, as a posdoctoral researcher to Investigate Galaxy Morphology at intermediate redshifts with HST and Euclid data using deep neural networks and advanced data science methods. Contract duration: 2 years. starting in the fall/winter of 2023 or early 2024. Gross salary: ~40.000 ?/year. Salary after taxes: ~30.000 ?/year including taxes, health insurance (social security) and other items. Please contact Prof. Miguel Mas (mm@cab.inta-csic.es), Jan Reerink (Jan.Reerink@esa.int).

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