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W1 professorship with tenure track to W2 or W2 professorship in astrophysics - Bielefeld University | Closing date: 2023-09-30 Contact: Dominik Schwarz |
We are looking for an internationally renowned scientist with a research focus on data-intensive radio astronomy and the study of time-dependent phenomena. The candidate should conduct research in one or more of the following areas: physics of pulsars, pulsar timing arrays, tests of fundamental physics, search for dark matter, study of fast radio bursts, physics of the ionosphere, space weather, and the interplanetary/stellar ionised medium, in particular study of scintillation and other radio wave propagation phenomena. | ▸ more | The Faculty of Physics at Bielefeld University announces a
W1 professorship with tenure track to W2 or W2 professorship in astrophysics,
to be filled with effect from January 1, 2024.
We are looking for an internationally renowned scientist with a research focus on data-intensive radio astronomy and the study of time-dependent phenomena. The candidate should conduct research in one or more of the following areas: physics of pulsars, pulsar timing arrays, tests of fundamental physics, search for dark matter, study of fast radio bursts, physics of the ionosphere, space weather, and the interplanetary/stellar ionised medium, in particular study of scintillation and other radio wave propagation phenomena.
In teaching, participation in basic education in physics as well as in education in astronomy and astrophysics.
The Faculty of Physics cooperates closely with the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn (AG Radioastronomische Fundamentalphysik) and is supported by the state of NRW via the project Big Bang to Big Data (B3D) (https://b3d.nrw). This professorship is intended to strengthen both cooperations. A connection to the existing research foci at the faculty in the areas of cosmology and astroparticle physics, high-energy physics, and optics and photonics at the faculty is desired. Participation in the acquisition of new collaborative research initiatives is expected; integration into existing research initivatives (e.g. PUNCH4NFDI, SFB-TR 211) is desired.
The Faculty of Physics is involved in the world's largest radio interferometer LOFAR and, together with the Hamburg Observatory, operates the LOFAR station DE609 in Norderstedt. It operates a data acquisition, compute and storage cluster at Forschungszentrum Jülich that is adapted to the needs of radio astronomy. It coordinates the German D-MeerKAT consortium (https://www.glowconsortium.de/index.php/en/meerkat-about/d-meerkat) and is a member of the German Long Wavelength (GLOW) consortium. The professorship is expected to participate in the operation and optimal use of these infrastructures. Participation in the development of the German participation in the Square Kilometre Array is desired.
Requirements for appointment are a completed university degree, pedagogical aptitude, qualified doctorate in physics, astronomy, or a related subject, as well as additional scientific achievements, which are evaluated exclusively and comprehensively in the appointment procedure (§ 36 HG NRW). In case of appointment as W1 professorship, the appointment is initially limited to 3 years, with the possibility of extension for another 3 years after a positive interim evaluation. In the case of a positive evaluation, the subsequent transfer to a permanent W2 professorship is planned (tenure-track option).
Tenure-track professorships are firmly established at Bielefeld University as an equal appointment option. Tenure-track professors are offered a target-group-specific personnel development programme that provides support during the arrival phase and in preparation for the tenure evaluation.
Applications from suitable severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities are expressly encouraged.
The faculty considers the equality of women and men to be an important task, which the future holder of the position will help to implement. Bielefeld University has received several awards for its successes in equality and is certified as a family-friendly university. It welcomes applications from women. This is particularly true in the academic field. Applications are handled according to the provisions of the state equal opportunity statutes. Family leave periods are appropriately considered in the selection decision.
Bielefeld University supports dual-career constellations to establish a common centre of life and work.
Please submit your application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications with identification of the five most important publications, two-page research and teaching concept, list of taught courses, copies of academic certificates) online via the appointment portal of Bielefeld University by September 30, 2023:
Bielefeld University
Dean of the Faculty of Physics PO Box 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
Please note that risks to confidentiality and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating via unencrypted e-mail. Information on the processing of personal data can be found at https://uni-bielefeld.de/uni/karriere/2019_DS-Hinweise_englisch.pdf
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