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Postdoc position on galaxy and AGN evolution in Florence. | Closing date: 2024-05-27 Contact: Filippo Mannucci |
INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory if offering a two-year post-doc position on "High spatial resolution spectroscopy of galaxies and AGN" in collaboration with Filippo Mannucci and the Arcetri extragalactic staff. | ▸ more | Please check https://sites.google.com/inaf.it/arcetripostdoc
The Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (OAA), part of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), in Firenze, Italy, invites applications for a postdoctoral research assistant positions in the field of galaxy evolution, with Dr. Filippo Mannucci. We are particularly interested in candidates with interest and expertise in the study of feedback, galaxy outflows, QSOs, dual and lensed AGN, ISM properties and chemical evolution of galaxies across Cosmic Time.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to:
1) analyze adaptive-optics data obtained with the ERIS and MUSE imagers and spectrographs at ESO/VLT during on-going GO and GTO observations of QSO, dual and lensed AGN, and distant galaxies;
2) collaborate to the definition of the GTO survey MOONRISE with the multi-object spectrograph MOONS on ESO/VLT; analize the data from the commissioning of this instrument (late 2025); use AI tools to extract physical information from the spectra
3) use space-based telescopes (HST and JWST) and several adaptive-optics instruments on LBT, in particular LUCI, SHARK, and LBTI to obtain resolved spectroscopy of dual and lensed AGN at sub-arcsec separations
Observing trips to TNG, ESO/NTT, and ESO/VLT are foreseen for several GTO and GO programs
Main conditions:
Gross annual salary: 28.000 ?, corresponding to a net monthly salary of about 2000 ?. Research and travel funds will also be available.
Positions are tenable for two years, and may be extended subject to availability of funding.
Starting date: autumn 2024
A fraction of the time will be available for independent research.
Main Requirements:
PhD in Physics or Astronomy or equivalent, or three years of documented research activity
Preferential expertise:
research activity on distant galaxies and AGNs, in particular on multiple AGN, AGN feedback, AGN host galaxies, AGN selection, gravitational lenses, and chemical abundances of galaxies;
experience with adaptive optics observations and data analysis;
experience with large, multi-object spectroscopic surveys of galaxies and AGN.
Deadline: May 27th 2024, 23:59 local time in Florence
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