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2 PhD positions in "Adaption Through Natural Selection of Terrestrial Life to Extra-Terrestrial Conditions"Closing date: 2022-06-01
Contact: Daniel Franck McGinnis
Are we alone in the universe? The Center for Life in the Universe (CVU: https://www.unige.ch/sciences/cvu/) and Dept F.-A. Forel invites applications for two multidisciplinary and cutting-edge PhD positions in 1) Evolutionary Biology and 2) Trace Gas and Isotope measurements in the Microbial Ecology (Prof. Bastiaan Ibelings) and the Aquatic Physics (Prof. Daniel F. McGinnis) research groups at University of Geneva. These two PhDs will study in close cooperation with one another. We seek broad-minded individuals who will closely collaborate with the different specialists of the CVU.

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