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Confirmation of Young Transiting Planets | Closing date: 2024-04-15 Contact: Monika Lendl |
Applications are invited for a research assistant (PhD student) position at the University of Geneva (Department of Astronomy) working with Prof. Monika Lendl on extrasolar planets. | ▸ more | The PhD project will focus on the detection and validation of planets orbiting young stars, key objects to probe the early phases of planetary evolution. The successful candidate will work on data from the TESS, K2 and CHEOPS space missions, as well as ground-based data from NGTS and the 1.2m Euler telescope. They will also become involved in PLATO and participate in the preparation and science exploitation of the mission. There will be an extensive hands-on observational component to the work, with regular observations at the 1.2m Euler telescope located at La Silla observatory (Chile). The student will be involved in data analysis and interpretation, and in the development of new insights about the evolution of planets and planetary systems
Setting: The Geneva Observatory offers one of the most vibrant environments worldwide for exoplanet research. The exoplanet team (www.exoplanets.ch) counts over 40 members, currently including 11 faculty members, 13 postdoctoral researchers, 16 PhD students, and 8 project staff members. Research topics in- clude exoplanet detection and characterisation (atmospheres, interiors), planetary system dynamics, and instrumentation. Team members are directly involved in a large number of projects, including photomet- ric instruments (CHEOPS, NGTS, TESS, PLATO), high-resolution spectrographs (ESPRESSO, NIRPS, HARPS and others), direct imaging (SPHERE @ VLT) and astrometry (GAIA). The exoplanet team is also part of PlanetS (www.nccr-planets.ch), a Swiss research network focused on exoplanetary science, which includes 130 scientists from the Universities of Geneva, Bern, Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). The successful applicant will be able to take advantage of this unique collaborative framework.
The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity.
Start date: is flexible, ideally 1 September 2024.
Duration: 4 years (the standard duration of a PhD in Switzerland).
Salary: approx. 50,000 CHF/year gross salary, according to rules of the University and Canton of Geneva.
Deadline: Applications received until 15 April 2024 will receive full consideration. Later applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
Requirements: A MSc degree in astronomy, astrophysics or related fields. The successful applicant will become part of a vibrant team, making the ability to work in a team a strong asset. Experience in scientific programming and experience with Python will be considered as a plus.
The following application materials should be sent to monika.lendl @ unige.ch in a single PDF:
? A curriculum vitae (2 pages)
? A cover letter (1 page) listing the names of up to 2 scientists willing to provide references
? Academic transcripts and certificates
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